

Colearnla is a casual peer-to-peer collaborative learning group. We love to discuss different UX related topics on a regular basis.

My Role

As an organiser, I really enjoy brainstorming with the co-learners on the topics we wish to discuss, design the co-learning format and invite different guests to join us for the discussion.

2021 - Now


Purecomm is a system to assist fashion retailers to manage stock movement.

It covers the stock movement journey starting from the warehouses, to the store and customers' homes. It consists of three products stock counters, iPad catalogues and ticketing system.

The stock counters are used in both the warehouses and in stores, to record the stock movement whether the products enter and/or exit warehouse and/or the store with a simple scan.

Comparing to the traditional methods this is a time saver.


How might we develop a better and time saving stock count experience for the staffs?

One day, a book really caught my eyes during my bookstore adventure OUTPUT.


Where should I start if I wish to improve my OUTPUT skills?

The book suggested to start with writing. On my study day where I focus on a topic podcasts or blogs posts. Then try to summaries everything in 280 characters max.

UI design details

• Keep the zoning clear for the staff, so they can always refer to the same part of the screen for the information they need.
• Current status is to highlight the closest area to the user and to inform the users of which area is the iPhone actively counting.
• Scrollable information is the waiting list of the locations which are waiting to be visited for stock count

Stock count UI flow


Purecomm ​RFID stock count reduces time for stock-taking and having to close the shop for stock count. Also it's a system that connects to the cloud so it's easy for the staffs to keep track of the stock flow.​